Sunday 21 March 2010

How To Lose Gynecomastia Without Surgery

RE: How To Lose Gynecomastia Naturally

Gynecomastia, also referred to as 'man breasts', occurs due an artificial, feminizing derangement of your hormone levels.

Surgery does very little in the way of attacking the route of the issue, thus it's essential that you work on getting those hormone levels back to what nature intended them to be, regardless of whether or not you're having surgery.

"So what are some of these 'natural' tactics on getting rid of gynecomastia?"

Well to understand these tactics you have to understand why you have gynecomastia. Did you know that gynecomastia didn't even exist in the past? If you went back say a hundred years, you'd be hard-pressed to find a guy with breasts.

See in the modern environment we artificially modify a hell of a lot of things. Unfortunately much of this involves the use of oestrogen and oestrogen-like substances that have the same feminizing effect on the body

Oestrogenic compounds make their way into your body and in your breast tissue via your gut, skin and lungs. Even though there's a hell of a lot of proof out there that these chemicals are responsible for the HUGE rise in cases of and deaths from breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer etc, there seems to be almost no government intervention to try and stop us all from being poisoned in this way.

If the government thinks that productivity and convenience are more important than people dying of cancer, then it doesn't take a genious to figure that it doesn't care about your man boobs it's your responsibility to do everything you can to avoid taking in these feminizing particles which are so widespread in your environment.

And the good news is when you do it right, your man boobs will start to shrink and will eventually disappear.

"Tell me how I do this!"

One key element of treating gynecomastia naturally, involves body fat reduction. This is because these feminizing chemicals are all fat-soluble, which means they are stored in fat in the body. Not only that, but fat is also known t convert testosterone to oestrogen. Hence reducing body fat is one of the most important ways to treat gynecomastia.

Due to the widespread use of preservatives in food and in cosmetics, and pesticides (which contain oestrogenic elements) in food, getting rid of gynecomastia naturally requires that you avoid processed food where you can. Stick to whole natural foods, and if you can - go organic.. It's best to limit your intake of meat also, as in the USA for example (and many other countries), livestock is pumped with oestrogen to make them grow bigger.

To learn about the type of changes you need to reduce body fat and get rid of that gynecomastia, bookmark my blog and keep checking back, as there'll be more info available to you shortly.

Till next time

Sammie Fields

P.S. For a great resource on how to reduce general body fat, Strip That Fat Review

P.S. Did I tell you to start reading about gynecomastia? Click the link to visit Read about it - there's much info there about the surgical option too, but I should warn you - surgery alone is NOT the solution! More about this later ;)

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