Friday 26 March 2010

Getting Rid Of Man Boobs Changed My Life!

Before you get started, click here to discover how to lose chest fat

Hey, Sammie Fields here

Getting rid of my man boobs was the best thing that ever happened to me. After a long battle I can finally relax and feel like the man I was meant to be!

I feel so much better now. It feels so good to simply be able to wear a T-shirt in the summer! I can walk around topless on the beach with girls turning around to check me out.

When you stop having to be troubled by what people are thinking about you, life takes on a whole new meaning! You can really start enjoying life for a change, because as soon as you start respecting yourself, you'll find that you're respected and liked by others around you - you can even get a handle on your love life, since having a masculine body and knowing it will really make you a serious candidate to women!

I used to spend ages in front of the mirror trying to get the right combination of clothes that would make my boobs look smaller. Even as an adult, I was made fun of because of my man boobs. Mostly by other guys who would occasionally embarrass me in front of women. But I suppose women probably couldn't have seen me as a potential mate anyway.

Thanks to discovering the true secrets of how to lose manboobs permanently, I was free of my man breasts in just a few weeks. I was finally free of the agony of having to be ashamed of my own body and afraid of others' opinions.

"What secrets did you unveil to lose those man boobs?"

What I learned stemmed from discovering that gynecomastia (the development of breast tissue in men) didn't exist in the past. 100 years ago it was more or less non-existent. Since it takes much longer than that for our genes to evolve, it's safe to say that your genes aren't to blame. However, what has changed singnificantly is your environment - what you take in in terms of food, water, inhalation, the use of cosmetics etc. It is largely your environment which is to blame for your man boobs. Your genes do have a role, in that not every guy in the same environment will develop man boobs - only those whose genes are susceptable to certain triggers in the environment. But since there's nothing you can do about your genes, it's best that you focus on changing your environment if you want to stand any chance of losing those man breasts.

What you need to do is identify these factors in the environment and alter them to your advantage. When you can make the simple, easy lifestyle changes necessary to reduce exposure to man-boob-forming chemicals, then your body will eventually transform into the masculine frame you see on the men's and women's magazines. And the best part is you can achieve this in a matter of just a few weeks!

So if you've finally had enough of those man boobs, and want to lose them as quickly as possible, Click Here to check out How To Loose Man Boobs.

Why not also check out this article on: Getting Rid Of Gynecomastia.

To Find Out More, Read:
Uncover The Truth About How To Lose Man Breasts Quickly!
Uncover The Truth About How To Lose Man Breasts Quickly!
How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Exposed: The Truth About Eliminating Man Boobs

Secrets They Never Tell You About!

What if you could finally learn how to lose man breasts now and stop having to hide those man boobs. Where you can walk around feeling free and proud of your body? What if I told you you could achieve this in just a few weeks?

By following the correct step-by-step method your body will have no choice but to burn that chest fat!

...and form as masculine a body as you could ask for..

You see, manboobs are becoming more and more common over time. If you go back a hundred years or so, finding a man with boobs was just unheard of. Well what's happening is thanks to modern occurences such as food processing, preservatives, pollution, the oral contraceptive pill in women, cosmetics, etc. We're being exposed to an environment that's geared toward feminization - with male fish turning into egg-producing female fish and male humans growing breasts!

Well the reason you have man boobs is because there's too much of the female hormone oestrogen in the environment - and in your body. Oestrogen is in most of the food you eat, it's in your water supply, in the cosmetics you apply on your skin, and even in the air you breathe!

See, it's not just man boobs that are becoming more and more common, but also breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and a range of other diseases all for the same reason. Oestrogens in the environment have reached dangerous levels, and despite all the evidence to show oestrogen as a fuel for a huge range of common cancers, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

And I'm not talking about bench presses or push ups, but rather about a special method of exercise geared toward generalised body-fat reduction. Since fat not only stores oestrogen, it also plays a role in converting testosterone into oestrogen. Hence body fat reduction is a crucial step in eliminating those man boobs.

To discover all the secrets of how to eliminate man boobs through oestrogen reduction, Click Here to learn How To Loose Man Boobs and sign up for my Free Eight Part Mini Course on How To Lose Man Boobs.

You might also want to read this article on Losing Man Breasts.

You may also be interested in reading the following...

Uncover The Truth About How To Get RidOf Man Breasts Quickly!
Getting Rid Of Man Boobs Can Change Your Life Too!
How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia

Monday 22 March 2010

Revealed: Sammie Fields Shows You how To Lose Man Boobs

Hi, this is Sammie

Getting rid of those man boobs is no easy feat, I tried for 3 decades! But as soon as I realised what I really had to do to lose those man boobs, It wasn't even that difficult!.

...and I couldn't believe the results.

With the proper approach my chest was as flat as a baord in only weeks!

And you'll be happy to know that if it worked for me, it will work for you. Getting rid of manboobs entails several important factors, but knowing the main reason why 95% of people fail is a surefire way to success!

What's My Background, Why Am I Telling You How To Lose Man Boobs?

My name's Sammie and I've been trying to lose my man boobs ever since I was a kid. I recall being petrified of P.E. at school incase I were seen in the shower without my top, or catch me jogging in my T-shirt with my tits jumping around.

And all my summer holidays gone to waste! Doing nothing but staying home so nobody would see me wearing anything thin

Sitting on the side-line while my family & friends let loose on the beach - running around and showing off their bodies under the sun.

And I'll never forget...

All those rejections by women! How could a lady take me seriously anyway? I had female breasts for crying out loud! There's no such thing as 'man boobs,' they're woman boobs - on men!

Women are craving that punk on TV with washboard abs. Even if are going out with a girl, she's gona be looking at guys like that and lusting after them.

When I finally decided I had enough, I got out there and began finding out everything I could on how to lose man boobs. I was shocked by what I found, as 99% of what's on the internet seems to tell you...

Error NumberI: Exercising the chest area by moving the arms and doing press-ups and benching heavy weights.

Have you tried this before? If you have, then I hope you've realised by now that it's hopeless! Haven't you had enough of doing this already? Go ahead and tense those muscles in your chest - they feel bigger than when you started working out your chest, don't they? Now pinch that boob fat... what's that? It's still there? Well what can I say except... it doesn't work!

I had no idea about this before, so I hit the gym and started benching those weights, just like the guy on that men's magazine add told me, really feeling the burn and all.

Irrespective of the size of my pectorals, which grew quite impressively large - I could feel them... under my boob fat, which sadly remained unchanged. I now had man boobs that I could move up and down at will.

So I don't care who told you to do bench presses or push ups to lose man boobs - stop right away and save your effort for something that actually works!

If you haven't already learned from your mistake, then learn from mine and know that doing chest exercises is NOT a solution for man boobs on its own.

Error NumberTwo: Weight loss alone is the key...
This was harder than I thought! I started running, swimming, cycling, doing weights and going on a strict diet (boy was I eager to lose those man boobs!) And the hard work finally paid off... well eventually it did. I found that my body wouldn't shed the boob fat until it got rid of fat from my bottom, legs, face, arms and stomach - not an easy feat, but alas...

I finally started to lose my man boobs!!!

However I was finding it more and more difficult to maintain this new lifestyle, with such a strict calorie restricted diet and such intense exercise for prolonged periods 7 days a week.

I missed my favourite foods, I was exhausted by the gym. When I tried working out less frequently or for less than an hour every day, I saw my man breasts sprouting back I couldn't live like that for the rest of my life, there just HAD to be another answer!!

Mistake NumberThree: The answer lies with eBooks on the internet that claim to have some "secret" method to lose those man boobs...

Ahhh the eBook - today's source of all good value information... or not! Needless to say I went out and bought all the eBooks I could find on losing man boobs. With each and every book, after much time and effort I found that their salespages were nothing more than hype.

I've realised now after much pain and effort, that none of the guides out there on how to loose man boobs are really worth your time reading let alone paying for and putting in the effort to try out their methods.

Now For The Solution!

Having realised that I was more or less on my own, I made up my mind to really put in the work and do my own scientific research. And though I have a background in science, I'm not talking about dissecting rats and human specimens, but about pooling together all the scientific research out there on man boobs and coming to my own conclusions.. For a limited time (until I've finished writing my book), my breathtaking discoveries are available to you for free right now if you sign up to my Free Lose Man Boobs 8-Part Mini-Course, so click here to sign up and learn how to lose man boobs.

I also advise you read my article on Get Rid Of Man Boobs.

Why not also check out the following articles:

How To Lose Man Boobs - Let Garry Davidson Show You How!
Getting Rid Of Man Boobs

Sunday 21 March 2010

How To Lose Gynecomastia Without Surgery

RE: How To Lose Gynecomastia Naturally

Gynecomastia, also referred to as 'man breasts', occurs due an artificial, feminizing derangement of your hormone levels.

Surgery does very little in the way of attacking the route of the issue, thus it's essential that you work on getting those hormone levels back to what nature intended them to be, regardless of whether or not you're having surgery.

"So what are some of these 'natural' tactics on getting rid of gynecomastia?"

Well to understand these tactics you have to understand why you have gynecomastia. Did you know that gynecomastia didn't even exist in the past? If you went back say a hundred years, you'd be hard-pressed to find a guy with breasts.

See in the modern environment we artificially modify a hell of a lot of things. Unfortunately much of this involves the use of oestrogen and oestrogen-like substances that have the same feminizing effect on the body

Oestrogenic compounds make their way into your body and in your breast tissue via your gut, skin and lungs. Even though there's a hell of a lot of proof out there that these chemicals are responsible for the HUGE rise in cases of and deaths from breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer etc, there seems to be almost no government intervention to try and stop us all from being poisoned in this way.

If the government thinks that productivity and convenience are more important than people dying of cancer, then it doesn't take a genious to figure that it doesn't care about your man boobs it's your responsibility to do everything you can to avoid taking in these feminizing particles which are so widespread in your environment.

And the good news is when you do it right, your man boobs will start to shrink and will eventually disappear.

"Tell me how I do this!"

One key element of treating gynecomastia naturally, involves body fat reduction. This is because these feminizing chemicals are all fat-soluble, which means they are stored in fat in the body. Not only that, but fat is also known t convert testosterone to oestrogen. Hence reducing body fat is one of the most important ways to treat gynecomastia.

Due to the widespread use of preservatives in food and in cosmetics, and pesticides (which contain oestrogenic elements) in food, getting rid of gynecomastia naturally requires that you avoid processed food where you can. Stick to whole natural foods, and if you can - go organic.. It's best to limit your intake of meat also, as in the USA for example (and many other countries), livestock is pumped with oestrogen to make them grow bigger.

To learn about the type of changes you need to reduce body fat and get rid of that gynecomastia, bookmark my blog and keep checking back, as there'll be more info available to you shortly.

Till next time

Sammie Fields

P.S. For a great resource on how to reduce general body fat, Strip That Fat Review

P.S. Did I tell you to start reading about gynecomastia? Click the link to visit Read about it - there's much info there about the surgical option too, but I should warn you - surgery alone is NOT the solution! More about this later ;)

Saturday 20 March 2010

Exposed: The Hidden Tactics Of How To Get Rid Of Man Breasts Fast!

Hey there

RE: How to get rid of man breasts fast

You can get rid of your man boobs quicker than you think if you know the correct techniques.

It's important that you're realistic nevertheless, because your body is not designed in a way that it can shed that boob fat in just a few days. There are certain lifestyle changes you need to make, and your body has to adjust to these changes before it will drop away that breast fat.

You may see almost no change in the beginning, however when the time is correct and you've persisted long enough, your man breasts will eventually start to vanish.. So the best thing you can do is get started correct now!

"Why can't I lose my man boobs in the next few days? why does it have to take weeks?"

Well at first your body has to shift its hormone levels in response to your lifestyle modifications. This itself takes more than just a few days. When these hormone levels are adjusged, only then does your body begin to drop fat from certain areas of your body. Unfortunately in most cases the body decides to burn fat in other places first. Such as from your hips, bum, legs and face.

In comparison to other places in your body, e.g. your belly, legs and back, you have a very small amount of fat in your man breasts, regardless of how big you think they are. So when you eventually begin shedding that chest fat, that's when you'll see change happening in just a few days.

"Alright, so what changes do I have to make to get rid of my boob fat?"

To lose your man boobs you need to accomplish 2 things: change your hormone levels back to their natural masculine state using 100% natural methods, and burn body fat.

Man boobs are formed as a result of too much oestrogen in the male body. This results from having too much body fat and from high levels of the female hormone oestrogen almost everywhere in the modern environment. You absorb oestrogen through your gut because it's in your food and water supply, you absorbe it into your blood stream through your lungs because oestrogen-like particles exist in air pollutants, and you even absorb oestrogen through your skin because it exists in more than 90% of leave-on cosmetics!

To get rid of those man boobs as quickly as you can, you must apply every oestrogen-lowering technique that you can.

If you can both do this and maintain it on the long run, that chest fat will vanish and there's no doubt about it!

It so happens that body fat reduction is one of the most powerful oestrogen-lowering technique, since oestrogen is fat-soluble and is stored in your body fat. You'll achieve the best and quickest results when you combine this with techniques to reduce environmental oestrogen exposure (by choosing the right foods, cosmetics etc).

To finally do away with those horrid man boobs by learning how to reduce your body fat in the proper way, and also how to totally reduce those environmental oestrogens, Click Here to visit How To get rid of Man Boobs.

You might also be interested in finding out about how to burn chest fat.

Other articles that may interest you:
How To Lose Man Boobs
How Getting Rid Of Man Boobs Changed My Life!

Friday 19 March 2010

Getting Rid Of My Man Boobs... The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

Getting rid of my man boobs was the best thing that ever happened to me. After a long battle I can finally relax and feel like the man I was meant to be!

I'm filled with so much confidence now. I never knew how good I could feel just being able to put on a tight thin T-shirt on a sunny day. I can walk around topless on the beach with girls turning around to check me out.

When you stop having to be troubled by what people are thinking about you, life takes on a whole new meaning! You can go to the sea-side, to the pool and out with your friends, and think only about enjoying yourself, and not give a flying f*$% what others think of you

I would spend up to an hour by the mirror, putting on different clothing and finally deciding upon something that would hide my man boobs more than the rest Those around me used to make fun of me occasionally. And being with a women wasn't even in my reality! There's no way she'd find me attractive - with my pants on, my body looked more like a woman's body than a man's!

However after I learned some powerful methods of how to lose and completely eradicate man breasts, it didn't take me long at all to finally eliminate that boob fat and liberate myself from the torture of always having to hide myself from the public eye.

How did I do it do I hear you ask?

Well one thing I learned is that man boobs are a growing problem in the west. If you tried to find a guy with man boobs a hundred years ago, you'd be looking for a long time. Human genes take a much longer time span to evolve, hence the the factor triggering your man boobs is not in your body (i.e. not in your genes), but in your environment!

All you have to do is to know what these factors are and make an effort to avoid them. If you can do this and do it consistently just for a few weeks, you'll start to see those man boobs finally fade away. I should warn you however, that this is a lifestyle that you must maintain, because as soon as you restart your current lifestyle, you'll just be exposing yourself to the same man-boob forming chemicals, and your moobs will simply grow right back.

All the secrets on how to change your environment in a way that is sure to cause those man boobs to finally disappear will be revealed to you when you Click Here to check out How To Loose Man Boobs.

Why not also check out this article on: chest workouts for men to lose chest fat.

More To Read About:

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs
How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs