Monday, 5 April 2010

Sammie Fields' Secret Tips On How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia

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RE: How To Lose Man Boobs And Getting Rid Of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, the growth of male breasts, is a result of an shift from a masculine hormonal predominance to shift toward feminine hormonal predominance.

Surgical resection of fat in the area does not address the base issue, so whether or not you're having surgery, you must learn about tactics on how to get rid of gynecomastia naturally and without surgery, as these are all about getting your hormone levels back to their natural masculine state.

"So how do I change my hormone levels naturally?"

The first step to losing those man breasts is to know why we have gynecomastia in the first place. See, gynecomastia was virtually unheard of a hundred years ago, so it isn't just in your genes though your genes do play a role.

Gynecomastia only started to occur after we started modifying things in our environment, causing us to be exposed to a range of chemicals that just so happen to have a feminizing effect on some of us men.

Your gut, skin and lungs are almost constantly absorbing feminizing oestrogenic chemicals throughout the day! Despite all the evidence in scientific papers that high levels of environmental oestrogens (also known as xeno-oestrogens) are responsible for the rising incidence of various cancers including breast and prostate cancers, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

Now if the government doesn't care that people are dying of cancer, it sure as hell doesn't care that you have man boobs (which by the way does put you at risk of developing breast cancer), it's up to YOU to do everything in your power to limit your intake of oestrogen and reduce its levels in your body.

When you do this, you'll find those man boobs will disappear completely and never trouble you again!

"Tell me how I do this!"

Getting rid of gynecomastia naturally involves reducing general body fat, not just fat from your chest. Since body fat stores oestrogen and also converts testosterone into oestrogen, this is one of the most powerful oestrogen-lowering tactics, though not the only one.

Due to the widespread use of preservatives in food and in cosmetics, and pesticides (which contain oestrogenic elements) in food, getting rid of gynecomastia naturally requires that you avoid processed food where you can. Stick to whole natural foods, and if you can - go organic.. It's best to limit your intake of meat also, as in the USA for example (and many other countries), livestock is pumped with oestrogen to make them grow bigger.

To learn about the type of changes you need to reduce body fat and get rid of that gynecomastia, Click Here to check out How To Loose Man Boobs

Here's another article you may be interested in: Weight Training To Get Rid Of Man Boobs And Lose Weight

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